Stress & Groups

Stress in the workplace is an increasingly costly problem, both in terms of money and psychological impact. Current understanding of coping responses to stress are based on the study of day-to-day stressors experienced by individuals. This approach fails to take into account the role of group processes which may explain the inconclusive results of the coping literature to date. This research integrate a general stress and coping framework with and group perspective to: (1) identify the type and effectiveness of social support given in response to fire-related stressors; and (2) examine the impact of group processes on the effectiveness of social support.


  • Dr Blake McKimmie, University of Queensland
  • Associate Professor Nerina Jimmieson, University of Queensland



  • McKimmie, B. M., & Jimmieson, N. L. (2006-2007). $125,000 – Responding to fire stressors in the workplace: An examination of the role of social support from a group processes perspective. ARC Linkage Scheme
  • McKimmie, B. M., & Jimmieson, N. (2005). $30,000 – Social costs of fires. QUT Strategic Links with Industry Scheme
  • McKimmie, B. M., & Jimmieson, N. (2004). Social support and fires in organisations. $3,924.27 over 6 months. Queensland University of Technology, School of Psychology and Counselling Research Grant Scheme



  • Giddings, J., McKimmie, B., Banks, C., Butler, T. (2015) Helping those who help themselves: Evaluating QPILCH’s self representation service. Journal of Judicial Administration, 24(3), 135-153.
  • Jimmieson, N. L., McKimmie, B. M., Hannam, R. L., Gallagher, J. (2010). An investigation of the stress-buffering effect of social support in the stressor-strain relationship as a function of team identification. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 14(4), 350-367.
  • McKimmie, B. M., Jimmieson, N. L., Mathews, R., & Moffat, K. (2009). Social support and fires in the workplace: A preliminary investigation. Work, 32, 59-68.