The QLD MIND Project Publications


Coundouris, S. P., Henry, J. D., Rendell, P. G. & Lehn, A. (2023). Parkinson’s disease disrupts the ability to initiate and engage episodic foresight. 1-8. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.

Coundouris, S. P., von Hippel, C., Lehn, A. C., & Henry, J. D. (2023). The antecedents and consequences of stereotype threat in Parkinson’s diseaseBritish Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62(1), 1-9.

Demichelis, O. P., Grainger, S. A., Hubbard, R. E., & Henry, J. D. (2023). Emotion regulation mediates the relationship between social frailty and stress, anxiety, and depressionScientific Reports13(1), 6430.

Henry, J. D., Coundouris, S. P., Craik, F. I. M., von Hippel, C., & Grainger, S. A. (2023). The cognitive tenacity of self-directed ageismTrends in Cognitive Sciences.

Henry, J. D., Coundouris, S. P., Mead, J., Thompson, B., Hubbard, R. E., & Grainger, S. A. (2023). Social frailty in late adulthood: Social cognitive and psychological well-being correlates. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B.

Henry, J. D., Grainger, S. A., & von Hippel, W. (2023). Determinants of social cognitive aging: Predicting resilience and risk. Annual Review of Psychology, 74(1), 167–192.

Horner, K., Coundouris, S. P., Terrett, G., Rendell, P. G., & Henry, J. D. (2023). Self-initiating and applying episodic foresight in middle childhoodJournal of Experimental Child Psychology233. 1-14.


Coundouris, S. P., Henry, J. D., Rendell, P. G. & Lehn, A. (2022). Moving beyond basic emotions in Parkinson’s disease. 61(3). 647-665. British Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Coundouris, S. P., Henry, J. D., Suddendorf. T., & Lehn, A.C. (2022). Affective forecasting in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1-4.

Demichelis, O. P., Grainger, S. A., Burr, L., & Henry, J. D. (2022). Emotion regulation mediates the effects of sleep on stress and aggression. Journal of sleep research, e13787-e13787.

Demichelis, O. P., Grainger, S. A., McKay, K. T., Bourdaniotis, X. E., Churchill, E. G., & Henry, J. D. (2022). Sleep, stress and aggression: Meta-analyses investigating associations and causality. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 139, 104732-104732.

Grainger, S. A., Crawford, J. D., Riches, J. C., Kochan, N. A., Chander, R. J., Mather, K. A., Sachdev, P. S., & Henry, J. D. (2022). Aging is associated with multidirectional changes in social cognition: Findings from an adult life-span sample ranging from 18 to 101 Years. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences78(1), 62–72.

Grainger, S. A., & Henry, J. D. (2022). Absence of age differences in emotion perception and gaze patterns using a contextually rich film-based assessment. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1-11.

Grainger, S. A., McKay, K. T., Riches, J. C., Chander, R. J., Cleary, R., Mather, K. A., Kochan, N. A., Sachdev, P. S., & Henry, J. D. (2022). Measuring Empathy Across the Adult Lifespan: A Comparison of Three Assessment Types. Assessment, 1-14.

Grainger, S. A., Vanman, E., & Henry, J. D. (2022). Tears of sadness reduce others’ gazing towards the eyes. Emotion. 22(6), 1382-1386.

Manchery, N., Henry, J. D., Blum, S., Swayne, A., Beer, R., & Nangle, M. R. (2022). Cognitive function and oral health in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Clinical Oral Investigation, 26, 2899-2907.

Manchery, N., Henry, J. D., Blum, S., Swayne, A., Beer, R., Rendell, P. G., & Nangle, M. R. (2022). Episodic foresight in multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychology, 36(2), 140-149.

Manchery, N., Henry, J. D., Lam, B., Kochan, N., Deutsch, A., Brodaty, H., Sachdev, P. S., & Nangle, M. R. (2022). Memory decline in older individuals predicts an objective indicator of oral health: Findings from the Sydney Memory and Aging Study. BMC Oral Health. 22(93), 1-12.

McKay, K., Grainger, S. A., Coundouris, S. P., Skorich, D., Phillips, L. H., & Henry, J. D. (2021). Visual attentional orienting by eye gaze: A meta-analytic review of the gaze-cueing effect. Psychological Bulletin.147(12), 1269–1289.

McKay, K. T., Talipski, L. A., Grainger, S. A., Alister, M., & Henry, J. D. (2022). How does ageing affect social attention? A test of competing theories using multi-level meta-analysis. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Science.77(8), 1454–1463.


Adams, A., Henry, J. D., von Hippel, W. H., Laakso, L., Molenberghs, P., Robinson, G. A., & Schweitzer, D. (2021). A comprehensive assessment of post-stroke social cognitionNeuropsychology, 35, 556-567.

Elliot, M., Terrett, G., Curran, V., De Bono, N., Rendell, P. G., & Henry, J. D. (2021). Prospective memory following acute alcohol consumptionJournal of Psychopharmacology35, 1386-1397.

Grainger, S. A., Mead, J., Vanman, E., & Henry, J. D. (2021). The relationship between testosterone and social cognition in younger and older adults. Biological Psychology, 161,108072.

Grainger, S. A., Rakunathan, V., Adams, A. G., Canty, A., & Henry, J. D. (2021). An assessment of age differences in theory of mind using the virtual assessment of mentalizing abilityAging Neuropsychology and Cognition, 28, 97-107.

Henry, J. D. (2021) Prospective memory impairments in neurological disorders: Clinical implications, assessment and management. Nature Reviews Neurology, 17, 297-307.

Henry, J. D., Hering, A., Haines, A., Grainger, S. A., Rose, N. S., Kliegel, M., Doyle, S., & Rendell, P. G. (2021). Acting with the future in mind: Testing competing prospective memory interventions. Psychology and Aging, 36, 491-503.

Kgolo, T., Grainger, S. A., & Henry, J. D. (2021). Empathy and schizotypy following acquired brain damage. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 116-128.

Manchery, N., Nangle, M. R., Grainger, S. A., Haines, S., Pradhan, A., Rendell, P. G., & Henry, J. D. (2021). Event-based but not time-based prospective memory is related to oral health in late adulthood. Gerontology, 67, 112-120.

Varley, D., Henry, J. D., Gibson, E., Suddendorf, T., Rendell, P. G., & Redshaw, J. (2021). An old problem revisited: How sensitive is time-based prospective memory to age effects? Psychology and Aging. 35, 616-625.

Wright, J. K., Grainger, S. A., Coundouris, S. P., & Henry, J. D. (2021). Affective empathy in neurodegenerative disorders: The importance of measurement type. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 127, 808-819.


Adams, A., Henry, J. D., Molenberghs, P., Robinson, G. A., Nott, Z., & von Hippel, W. (2020). The relationship between social cognitive difficulties in the acute stages of stroke and later functional outcomesSocial Neuroscience, 15, 158-169.

Coundouris, S., Adams, A., & Henry, J. D. (2020). Empathy and theory of mind in Parkinson’s disease: A meta-analysisNeuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 109, 92-102.

Coundouris, S. P., Terrett, G., Rendell, P. G., Kneebone, A., Laakso, L., Schweitzer, D., & Henry, J. D. (2020). A meta-analytic review of prospection deficits in Parkinson’s diseaseNeuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 108, 34-47.

Demichelis, O. P., Coundouris, S. P., Grainger, S. A., & Henry, J. D. (2020). Empathy and theory of mind in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26, 963-977.

Grainger, S. A., Crawford, J., Kochan, N., Mather, K., Chander, R., Draper, B., Brodaty, H., Sachdev, P., & Henry, J. D. (2020). An investigation into early life stress and cognitive function in older ageInternational Psychogeriatrics, 32, 1325-1329.

Henry, J. D., Terrett, G., Grainger, S. A., Kliegel, M., Rose, N. S., Bugge, M., Ryrie, C., & Rendell, P. G. (2020). Implementation intentions and prospective memory function in late adulthood. Psychology and Aging, 35, 1105-1114.

Pizarro-Campagnaa, E., Terrett, G., Jovevc, M., Chanen, A., Henry, J. D., & Rendell, P. G. (2020). Rapid facial mimicry responses are preserved in youth with first presentation borderline personality disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 266, 14-21.

Manchery, N., Henry, J. D., & Nangle, M. R. (2020). A systematic review of oral health in people with multiple sclerosis. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 48, 89-100.

Terrett, G., Mercuri, K., Pizarro-Campgana, E., Hugrass, L., Henry, J. D., & Rendell, P. G. (2020). Social cognition impairments in long-term opiate users in treatment. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 34, 254-263.


Adams, A. G., Molenberghs, P., Schweitzer, D., & Henry, J. D. (2019). A meta-analytic review of social cognitive function following stroke. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 102, 400-416.

Coundouris, S., Adams, A. G., Grainger, S. E., & Henry, J. D. (2019). Social perceptual function in people with Parkinson’s disease. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 104, 255-267.