Principal Investigator

Dr. Fiona Maccallum
Grief and Trauma Lead
Dr Fiona Maccallum is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of Queensland. Her research focuses on better understanding the psychological factors that influence responses to major life events, with a special focus on grief and trauma. Her work incorporates lab-based behavioural methods directed towards understanding the role of basic cognitive and affective processes, and longitudinal and naturalistic experience sampling methods to map the dynamics of real-world behaviours and experiences. She adopts a translational approach in her work with the aim of identifying modifiable factors that can be integrated into clinical interventions. She has a particular interest in self-identity, autobiographical memory, and emotion regulation processes. She previously worked as a researcher and clinical psychologist at the Traumatic Stress Clinic (UNSW), a world leader in randomised controlled trials for PTSD and Prolonged Grief reactions and undertook an NHMRC Early Career Fellowship at the Loss, Trauma and Emotion Lab, Teachers College Columbia University, NY.
Dr. Maccallum’s personal webpage can be accessed at: