Clinical Associates and Research Collaborators
Numerous outstanding national and international clinical associates and research collaborators have been involved with The QLD Mind Project research studies. We would like to sincerely thank all the following people:
Dr. Emily Ahern (Geriatrician, Mater Health Services)
Dr. Reuben Beer (Neurology Advanced Trainee)
Prof. Henry Brodaty (Psychiatry, UNSW)
Dr. Anna Copley (Speech Pathology, UQ)
Mrs. Lee Cottam (Nurse Manager, Elder and Frailty Care Services)
Dr. Travis Cruickshank (Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University)
Ms. Annette Denny (Movement Disorder Clinical Nurse/Research Nurse, Princess Alexandra Hospital)
Dr. Emmah Doig (Occupational Therapy, UQ)
Dr. Emma Finch (Speech Pathology, UQ)
Prof. Jenny Fleming (Occupational Therapy, UQ)

Mr. Todd Gumbleton (Clinical Nurse Consultant, Metro South Health)
Prof. Francesca Happé (Cognitive Neuroscience, Kings College London)
Dr. Alexandra Hering (Psychology, Tilburg University)
Mr. Peter Jones (Nurse Practitioner, Epilepsy, The Mater)
A/Prof. Tony Kneebone (Clinical Neuropsychology Lead, Mater Health)
Dr. Nicole Kochan (Neuropsychology, UNSW)
Dr. Izelle Labuschagne (Behavioural and Health Sciences, ACU-Melbourne)
Prof. Jennifer Margrett (Psychology, Iowa State U)
Dr. Karen Mather (Genetics, UNSW)
Ms. Marie McCaig (Stroke Care Coordinator, Mater Centre for Neurosciences)
Prof. Matthias Mehl (Psychology, University of Arizona)
Dr. Pascal Molenberghs (Neuroscience, Institute for Social Neuroscience, Melbourne)
Ms. Anna Nolan (Parkinson’s disease Nurse Navigator, Princess Alexandra Hospital)
Dr. Cullen O’Gorman (Neurology, Mater Health)
Prof. Louise Phillips (Psychology, University of Aberdeen)
Dr. Elizabeth Pizarro (Clinical Psychology, ACU-Melbourne)
Dr. Alex Puckett (Neuroscience, UQ)
Dr. Jonathan Redshaw (Psychology, UQ)
A/Prof. Celinda Reese-Melancon (Oklahoma State University)
Prof. Gail Robinson (Neuropsychology, UQ)
Prof. Perminder Sachdev (Neuropsychiatry, UNSW)

Dr. Suraj Samtani (Clinical Psychology, UNSW)
Ms. Genevieve Skinner (Neuroimmunology Clinical Trial Coordinator, Metro South Health)
Mrs. Wendy Smilbert (Multiple Sclerosis Nurse/Research Co-ordinator)
Prof. Thomas Suddendorf (Psychology, UQ)
A/Prof. Gill Terrett (Psychology, ACU-Melbourne)
Dr. Eric Vanman (Psychology, UQ)
Dr. Courtney von Hippel (Psychology, UQ)
A/Prof. Margie Wright (Imaging Genomics, QBI)