Principal Investigator

Dr. Alex Adams
Gut-Brain Axis Lead
Dr. Alexandra Adams is an Associate Lecturer and early career researcher in the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Newcastle. Her research investigates how cognitive functioning and social behaviour are influenced by various changes across both the central and enteric nervous systems. Indeed, while Dr. Adams’ early work focused primarily on enhancing understanding of social cognitive function in stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and healthy aging, her current program of research heavily centres around the microbiota-gut-brain axis. In particular, Dr. Adams seeks to increase understanding of the role the gut may play in cognitive functioning, social behaviour, and emotional wellbeing. In service of these goals, Dr Adams applies a wide range of sophisticated scientific approaches including cross-sectional research, longitudinal designs, and meta-analytic methods.
Dr. Adam’s’ personal webpage can be accessed at: