Principal Investigator

Dr. Nell Baghaei
Games and Virtual Reality Lead
Dr. Nilufar (Nell) Baghaei is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, and the Co-Director of the Extended Reality Lab. She is also the Program Convenor of the Master of Information Technology. Her research interests are Virtual/Augmented Reality for Health and Education, Game-based Learning, AI in Education and Persuasive Technology. Dr Baghaei has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles in reputable international journals and conferences and has received research funding from New Zealand Health Research Council and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in collaboration with UoA. She is an Associate Editor of Int Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Virtual Reality Springer and Games for Health, and acted as a Program Chair for Persuasive Technologies 2022 conference. Prior to joining UQ, she was the Director of Games and Extended Reality Lab at Massey University, NZ.
Dr. Nell Baghaei research webpage can be found at: